Google+ Baby Marohn: Nora is here!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nora is here!

Nora is finally here!

She was officially born at 2:56PM EST weighing 7lbs 9ounces and measuring 20 inches in length.

She scored a 8 on the one minute APGAR test and a 9 on the four minute APGAR test.

Here is how the test works:

Doctors, midwives, or nurses add these five factors together to calculate the Apgar score. Scores obtainable are between 10 and 0, with 10 being the highest possible score.

Apgar Scoring
Apgar Sign210
Heart Rate (pulse)Normal (above 100 beats per minute)Below 100 beats per minuteAbsent (no pulse)
Breathing (rate and effort)Normal rate and effort, good crySlow or irregular breathing, weak cryAbsent (no breathing)
Grimace(responsiveness or "reflex irritability")Pulls away, sneezes, or coughs with stimulationFacial movement only (grimace) with stimulationAbsent (no response to stimulation)
Activity (muscle tone) Active, spontaneous movementArms and legs flexed with little movementNo movement, "floppy" tone
Appearance (skin coloration) Normal color all over (hands and feet are pink)Normal color (but hands and feet are bluish)Bluish-gray or pale all over

We are very happy to finally be able to hold Nora.

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