Google+ Baby Marohn: O MY GOODNESS NORA IS ONE!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


We are very happy to announce that Nora is now 1 year old!!!! The past year has been filled with happiness, love, joy, frustrations, and scary times.

Let’s think back a year ago today.
The temperature was about twenty degrees cooler, the roads were constantly being covered by ice, our car was packed since December, already had several false alarm/test runs to the hospital, besides all of the phone calls to the doctor’s office.
I had been in the hospital for 32 hours, walked around the hospital floor dozens of times, been in and out of the kiddy pool the hospital setup for water birth, meanwhile trying to eat and drink. Michael and I were exhausted, along with the family and friends everyone else that was able to make it was exhausted.
I had just done 29 hours of natural labor just at the hospital not including at home, and I was so ready to "get this baby out". So after 2 hours of pushing I finally "got her out". It was the most amazing moment of my life. I was so happy. Not that labor was finally over or that I wasn't pregnant any more, but I was happy because I got to finally see my little girl that I had waited so long to see.
A bunch of stuff happened after that, and I don't really remember a lot of the first two hours of her life, but I know that at that moment I was afraid of dying only because I wanted to see my little girl again. I know that doctor and the hospital staff was doing everything they could. Here is a video of the first time I got to see Nora...

I wasn't able to hold or even touch her very long but I loved every single second of that moment.

Skip ahead back to this year. Nora has grown 11 inches and gained 15 lbs! She now has 12 teeth. She loves to play with her books and be read to. Bath time is her favorite time of day (everyday), and she loves to splash in the water. She is an awesome eater, and is never afraid to try anything new, and try it again. God has really blessed us with a beautiful little girl!

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