A few months ago, I did a review on Woolzies Dryer Balls, and at that time, I did not know that dryer balls could be scented.
After I wrote the review, I had some people tell me that they wouldn't use them because they like to have the scent make their clothes smell nice and fresh. So I kind of went on another mission to find something that was eco-friendly, scented, and wouldn't mess your dryer up.
That's when I found the Maple Hill Naturals 100% Wool Dryer Balls. They let me review the Lemon Fresh dryer balls. Let me tell you, if you like the smell of fruit loops, then you will love the smell of the Lemon Fresh. I honestly wish I could put a scratch and sniff on the post so that you could smell this.
Each dryer ball is about the size of a baseball or tennis ball (I didn't have either, so it was hard to say which).
Like the other brand I recently reviewed, these dryer balls are also hypo-allergenic. They also reduce static and drying time by up to 25%. The wool also helps to naturally soften your clothes.
One of the MAJOR reasons I found that I like the Maple Hill Naturals Dryer Balls is because of the story behind them. Maple Hill Naturals is made in the USA with wool from the sheep on the family farm in Indiana. The owner is a stay at home mom who believes in home-birthing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and home schooling. I love supporting moms like her.
Along with dryer balls, Maple Hill Naturals also makes the following products:
Natural Soap
Shampoo & Conditioning Bars
Natural Lip Balm
and Skin Care Products
If you are interested in purchasing any of Maple Hill Naturals' products, you can find them on their website: http://maplehillnaturals.com/. You can also connect with Maple Hill Naturals on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
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