Google+ Baby Marohn: Update: Crazy Obsessive Robin

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Update: Crazy Obsessive Robin

A few days ago I posted about the robin that keeps pecking at my window, and I wanted to update you all on the situation.

The robin came back the VERY NEXT DAY!!  I was like this is it, I went out at 7am and started putting up bird netting.  At 5'6", I am not tall enough to reach the guttering of my house, so I had to engineer a way to get the tape on the gutters to hold the netting up.  I found (after a lot of trial and error) that if I took one stick, stuck a little tape with netting attached on it, and then took another stick and pushed it up on the gutter, it worked.  So after about an hour, I had netting around our bed room window.

The bird did not come back for the rest of the day.

The next day, the bird, came back pecked once and flew away.  He continued to do that every day until yesterday, and this is what I woke up to...

He pulled a piece of tape off, and made himself a nice little perch.  I thought, oh my goodness, he's stuck, and I am not going to get him untangled, and I will have to kill him.  I was so up set.  Mind you, I'd only had 3 hours of sleep when this started.  

So then I thought, well, I will tap on the window and see if he can fly.  Here is the photo I took not two seconds later. 
No bird.  

My next step is to see if he comes back today, and if he does, I will invest in a plastic snake and/or owl.

P.S. Anyone have a live hawk I could borrow?

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