Google+ Baby Marohn: How to Talk to Nora

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How to Talk to Nora

I really like this article. It has been my believe for a long time that children learn better language if you talk to them in your normal tone with normal words easy to understand words. This just backs what I think up, and I found it on
    Talk your baby through daily events that happen to her, such as diapering, feeding and naptime, so that she will begin to anticipate them and cooperate with you.

    • When you talk to your baby, use your own natural inflection and way of speaking. Being genuine in this way carries through to other aspects of your life together.

    • Tell your baby before you pick her up or do anything else with her: "I'm going to change your diaper now." Or, "It's time for your bottle." This way, she can begin to anticipate what will happen next. Being able to anticipate daily events gives her a feeling of security and control.

    • Talk her through things that are happening to her, as a doctor or dentist might do with a patient. This adds to her feelings of security.

    • Tell your baby your expectations. Ask for her cooperation when you do things with her, such as bathing her or changing her diaper: "Can you lift your bottom?" Even if she doesn't completely understand or have the ability to comply, you are involving her in the task and inviting her to cooperate.

    • Tell your baby when you are leaving the room. Even though tears may follow, she will eventually learn to accept the fact that Mommy or Daddy goes away for a time. This type of honesty is better for your child than having a parent who seems to disappear. Disappearing undermines the basic trust that you are trying to establish.
Another thing to consider instead of baby talk would be to sing.
    Singing Benefits for Mom
    Scientists at the University of Frankfurt in Germany have done a study showing that singing increases Immunoglobin A, which acts as a natural antibiotic in the body, and hydrocortisone, a stress-reduction hormone [Janice Tuck, The Benefits of Singing to Your Baby, January 2007]. The result is an improved immune system, something that all mothers can benefit from, given the challenges that face them each day.

    Talking and singing to your baby every day will give your child a head start on verbal development. Hold conversations with your baby, and sing to them as you complete basic daily tasks. As your baby begins to babble, encourage their efforts at communication.


  1. Scientific studies show that using the natural "sing song" way of talking to babies, that all adults across the globe do naturally (it's called "parentese"), helps babies to learn words 25% faster.
    Parentese and "talking naturally" should be used together. Parentese singles out words, uses a higher pitch so baby knows where a word begins and ends. If a baby hears "nowitstimeforyourbottle" it all sounds like one big six syllable word. But if you also say "bottle" slowly, several times in a higher pitched voice when you actually have the bottle in your hand and baby can see the bottle, then baby will learn very quickly what "bottle " MEANS. Thats so much easier! and more fun!

  2. What I don't want is people using silly words to call something. If something is a bottle say it is a bottle not a ba ba. Some of the "baby talk" that I hear just sounds stupid and really gets under my skin. Also, referring to one's self in the third person, is just out of the question for use around Nora. A higher pitch is fine.

    Another reason MICHAEL AND I have requested this because Nora will also be hearing German along with English, and WE believe that if people use that crazy talk for English it will hurt her learning the German.

    Thank you for your comment.
