Google+ Baby Marohn: Rogers Family Company Coffee Review and Giveaway

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rogers Family Company Coffee Review and Giveaway

I LOVE coffee, I mean really love coffee.  I am not like a lot of people who just like coffee for the caffeine fix, I love to the taste of a good cup of coffee.  Since I love coffee so much, I'm always trying new brands of coffees that I find.

I recently saw the Rogers Family Company, and fell in love with their company and their story.  Their company was started in 1979, and is "one of the few remaining family owned gourmet coffee roasters".

I was sent four different blends of the Roger's Family Company coffee.  When I first opened up the box, I had a cold, but through the cold, I could smell the coffee.  
Each bag has a one way valve that let's gases and air out, but does not let air in, keeping the coffee fresher for longer.  

These Kenya coffee beans look like they were freshly roasted.  You can still see the oil on them, the color is great, and they have a wonderful smell!  

Once ground, the coffee kept that nice rich brown color.  I did a medium/fine grind on my coffee grinder.  For brewing, I used two tablespoons per 8oz of water.  
When brewing the coffee, I would give the flavor an A++!  This coffee has the most flavor out of any other coffee I've ever had.  The Kenya coffee (the first one I tried) is a full body coffee, and has cocoa hints to it.  The Rogers Family uses the AA grade of Kenya coffee.  That is the highest quality of Kenya that you can get. 

My husband and I also tried the Sumatra blend, and found that it was also delicious! I am trying to use all that I have ground before I try any of the other blends, but when I try them I will update. 

If you are interested in trying any of the Rogers Family coffees, you can visit their website and blog at or you can go to to shop their brands.  

If you would like to connect with Rogers Family Company, they are on the following social networks:
If you would like to sign up for their newsletter you may do so by clicking here.

Also, between now and April 9th my US readers may enter for a chance to win the four 12 oz bags of whole bean coffee pictured above (ARV $40).


  1. My favorite coffee is their Sumatra blend. :) Thanks for the chance.

  2. Currently I so enjoy the Starbucks roasted but Kirkland brand coffee from Costco. Medium and delicious!

  3. My all time favorite is Hazelnut - thank you.

  4. I am actually currently drinking something from Rogers Coffee ------- their Cafe Jerusalem Coffee Breakfast Blend. I highly recommend it.

  5. My favorite blend is Italian Roast.

  6. my favorite coffee right now is North Pole Coffee Arctic Blueberry

  7. I love any coffee. Old coffee, new coffee, hot coffee, cold coffee, fresh coffee, stale coffee, strong coffee, weak coffee, I'm not too picky but I guess I have a bit of a hankering right now for some coffee with a toffee flavor to it.

    1. Someone after my own heart! Although my favorite is Hazelnut coffee, I do love the smell of brewing coffee.....any coffee. Nothing like it!
