Google+ Baby Marohn: ArmourBite® Mouthpiece Review and Giveaway

Thursday, June 19, 2014

ArmourBite® Mouthpiece Review and Giveaway

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
Even non-contact sports can be hard on your teeth.  The stress of these sports can cause you to tighten your jaw and clinch and grind your teeth.  ArmourBite® has come up with a solution that is really easy to use and mold at home.

What is non-contact sports you may ask yourself.  A non-contact sport has been defined as any sport where you have little to no contact with the other players.  So sports like tennis, track, golf, and many others will fit into this category.  I personally find myself grinding my teeth and clinch my jaw when I am doing things like mowing the yard; I guess it's because I hate to mow so much, but I've found that the ArmourBite® mouthpiece has really helped.

To mold the ArmourBite® mouthpiece was really simple too.  I just put the mouthpiece in boiling water, took it out, let it cool for a few seconds, and then popped it into my mouth.  After letting it set for a little while in my mouth, I took it out and let it set and cool for about an hour.  Then it was ready to use.

ArmourBite® also makes these mouthpieces in two sizes. Youth for people with small mouths or 11 and younger.  The adult size is for people 12 and up.

If you would like to purchase your very own ArmourBite® mouthpiece, here is a link  I also saw them on Amazon.

You can try and win one, by entering on the form below anytime between now and June 28th, 2014.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

1 comment :

  1. This mouthpiece would help me because I have a daughter who plays soccer and basketball and I just payed a lot of money for her to wear braces for 2 years and mow that the braces are off I would like to protect my investment.
